Why Does A Journey Management Plan Matter?
Driving is an essential aspect of many jobs across a range of industries in Australia. Yet, it is also one of the riskiest activities employees engage in whilst fulfilling their duties. In fact, in 2018, a staggering 62% of all reported workplace fatalities were linked to vehicle-related incidents. The National Road Safety Strategy acknowledge a range of contributing factors including:
- Vehicle use in road traffic
- Inadequate journey planning
- Poor road conditions
- Unsafe drivers and/or vehicles
- Fatigue
Although accidents do happen, it’s important for businesses to do everything in their power to prevent them from happening to any of their employees travelling for work. This is the very reason why careful planning and following of journey management plans are implemented by companies especially those in industries such as logistics, mining, construction sectors.

What is a Journey Management Plan?
Journey Management Planning is the first step in the intricate and strategic process of workplace safety when it comes to employees travelling for work. It allows for mitigation and prevention of transportation-related safety risks, and helps to safeguard the company from non-compliance. Most importantly, this regular journey management risk assessment ensures that workers’ health and wellbeing is always put first.
This is a form decision-making process that evaluates the need for the trip. Managers prioritise and will only approve travel requests backed with valid and operation-related reasons.
The Journey Management Plan is also a form of comprehensive hazard assessment where all driving-related safety risks are identified and accounted for. Some of the major risks considered include:
- Weather Condition
- Road Conditions
- Local Traffic condition
- Light Conditions
- Security Issues
- Communication
- Vehicle Handling Issues
- Fatigue
- Time pressures
- Long distance driving

For every item on the list, corresponding prevention and mitigation strategies are prepared and put into action. Other details of the journey like vehicle type, driver competence, trip duration, route and stops are also being determined during this step.
Why is a Journey Management Plan Important for Workplace Safety?
Journey Management Planning is designed to impact your company in a positive way. By putting your employee’s health and wellbeing first, you are demonstrating their value and worth in the workplace.
Creation of healthier work environment
Your smart judgement can save your employees’ lives. The careful assessment of driving related risks reduce the chances of your employees getting injured. This also contributes towards good mental health and positive working attitudes amongst your team.
Increased productivity
Always remember that a happy and satisfied workforce translates to an increased productivity and profitability. People tend to perform well when they feel safe and secure.
Reduced company costs
Installing an efficient system that filters essential travel from non-essential travels means more money (and time) can be saved. Allowing only necessary trips helps to cut down any additional expenses of fuel, vehicle, food, and accommodation.
More importantly, by preventing accidents from happening to your employees, you can also avoid paying hospital bills, compensations, and legal fines which can improve the company’s finances and reputation.
Legal Responsibilities
As mandated by law, a company should always address all safety concerns of their employees. By using a Journey Management Plan the company can inform, orient, and prepare their employee who is tasked to do the job.
Who Should Use a Journey Management Plan?
These days, a Journey Management Plan is more commonly used by companies in mining, oil, gas, construction, and delivery sectors. Since their operations highly depend on transportation, doing a Journey Management Plan becomes an integral part of their business.
However, in reality, all companies who require their employees to drive as part of their work should conduct some form of journey management planning. As advised by several industries, employees who spend more than four hours on the road must have discussed and undergone Journey Management Planning with any qualified manager in the company.
Today we are seeing more and more industries on the road offering mobile services. Whilst transport, construction and the resources sector have previously dominated this area, we are now seeing an increase in food delivery, ride-sharing, sales teams and health services hitting the road to provide their services to the community.

The Journey Management Procedure - The Best Steps To Take
There are a few simple steps to take before starting your work-related travel:
Journey Management Planning
This step is one of the most important, where all involved parties should meet and discuss the details of the Journey Management Plan.
It should be determined whether the journey is absolutely necessary and if so, pre-journey preparations should highlight the following:
- Determine the safest route to take by taking into consideration the roads and weather forecasts
- Driving schedules to avoid night travel and reduce the risk of driver fatigue
- Factor in sufficient rest breaks
- Ensuring the vehicle is in good condition to undertake the trip
- Ensuring the employee is fit and healthy to undertake the trip
- Establish a check in process to ensure the driver can provide updates regarding their safety and trip progress
- Ensure the employee has had adequate training and is well equipped with the knowledge and skills to complete the trip safely.
Final briefing of driver and manager
This is to make sure that the drivers and other team members involved are still familiar with the established Journey Management Plan. This also further prepares your team for the journey with any last minute details and changes.
Inspection of vehicle
Inspecting the vehicle prior to departure is important to ensure it is in good condition and is appropriate for the trip ahead. Completing a pre-start vehicle checklist can highlight any vehicle issues prior to departure before it's too late.
Prepare necessary documents
To ensure smooth and hassle-free travel, always make sure to have any important legal documents like a valid licence, registration, and all necessary permits with you before travelling.
Rest well to reduce driver fatigue
If you’re bound for long drives, make sure to get enough sleep before hitting the road because accidents are frequently caused by driver’s sleepiness and fatigue. Remember, fatigue doesn’t just increase the risk of the driver, but the safety of others on the road too.

Follow instructions
As much as possible, stick to the directions discussed during planning. Do not deviate from the route discussed during the Journey Management Planning. If there should be unavoidable changes, notify your manager immediately to avoid problems.

How Should You Log Your Journey Management Plan?
Journal Management Plans are written records that hold company information. For this reason, it must be properly documented, compiled, and secured.
Fortunately, using a reliable and credible printing company like UniPrint can provide your company with ready-made, industry standard Journey Management Plan booklets.
The cover of the booklet contains all necessary information such as the driver’s name, date, vehicle model, and registration. This makes compilation and organisation more convenient. Each Journey Management Plan record needs to include:
- Driving details: such as driver details, drivers licensing (for the vehicle being driven), passenger details.
- Vehicle details: ensuring the vehicle is licensed, roadworthy and safe.
- Journey details: recording each check-in point of the journey.
- Potential Hazards: prompting analysis of any potential journey hazards, such as transporting livestock or dangerous materials, weather conditions, road conditions, driver fatigue, driving at night etc.
Since these records are vital to the company, it is best if an organised check-in system is established. This would allow management to store information logically and to monitor company travels more efficiently.
Uniprint Journey Management Plan Books
Safety always comes first. A company should always remain true to its promise of a safe working environment for their employees, regardless of job descriptions and positions.
Journey Management Planning can be a tedious and time-consuming activity for many companies. But it is absolutely necessary for the safety and well being of your staff, and to ensure company compliance. Fortunately, UniPrint understands the important elements of a Journey Management Plan, and how to make this process as easy and manageable as possible.

We are backed by 60 years of print experience, and specialise in workplace safety printing solutions. We are committed to supplying companies across Australia with high-quality Journey Management Plan Books that have accurate and updated content.
Our team can also design customised safety books depending on your company’s requirements. As well as the content - the materials used in making the safety books and checklists also matter. This is why we offer durable and waterproof safety book solutions which may be more appropriate for your business operations.
Some injuries are irreparable. And the loss of life is irreversible. To help reduce the risk of these things happening to your employees, adopting responsible workplace practices such as Journey Management Planning, should be standard in your workplace.