Manage your Take 5 Safety Books stock all in one place

Get absolute control over your inventory as a UniPrint Wholesaler.

Benefits of becoming a wholesaler include:
  • Promotional Offers 
  • Order your safety products and Take 5 Safety Book stock
  • Check your most popular products 
  • Re-order with ease and view your entire UniPrint history in a few clicks
  • Volume sliding price scale 
  • Listed on the Uniprint website as a retailer
  • Customised Marketing Kit 

Our Customised Electronic Marketing Kit includes:

    • Take 5 Stone Paper information flyer
    • Safety implementation posters which have been customised to your store. You can display in store or send to your customers
    • Product thumbnails if you sell products online
    • Take 5 email signature banner

    To be categorised as a wholesaler you must be on selling these products.

      Register for your UniPrint Wholesaler Account now: